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HDC-7/6/2004 Regular Meeting

Chairperson Macro called the meeting to order at 8:25 PM.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Macro, Vice Chairperson Brady, Commissioner Pitcock, and Commissioner Tarr.

Members absent: Commissioner Burnham.

Alternates present:     Commissioner Fitzpatrick and Commissioner Klein.

Alternates absent:      Commissioner Jennings.



A motion to approve the minutes of June 1, 2004 Regular meeting was made by Vice-Chairperson Brady.  Commissioner Pitcock seconded the motion and unanimously approved.

The Vice-Chairperson moved to approve the minutes of June 1, 2004 Public hearing with addition of Commissioner Jennings being present.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pitcock and unanimously approved.

Vice Chairperson moved to approve the amended minutes of May 4, 2004 Regular meeting as included with the meeting documents.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pitcock and unanimously approved


Vice Chairperson moved to approve the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness submitted by Dale & Robynn Shannon as presented with the following stipulations: to supply the Historic District Commission with the details of the front portico and the dormer windows prior to the final construction.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tarr and approved.


Chairperson Macro appointed Commissioner Fitzpatrick to act as a full member to replace Commissioner Burnham.

Vice-Chairperson Brady moved to approve the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness submitted by Mary Busky for an above ground swimming pool at site B (only) of the application with the following stipulations:  (a) that the applicant includes the appropriate plantings of applicants choice to shield the view of the pool, which will be reviewed in approximately one year.(b) that it does not protrude beyond the garage on the south side. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tarr and unanimously approved.


Chairperson Macro noted that she met with the Town Manager, Matthew Galligan and reported that the Town Council will present two ordinances:

1) The Historic District Commission ordinance will be updated and an enforcement officer designated.

2) A demolition delay ordinance.

Chairperson Macro read the letter that was mailed to Mr. and Mrs. D’Aiello regarding the documentation required to be submitted.

The Chairperson read a letter from the Historic District Commission to Mr. Kebalo regarding steps to be taken for a formal application.

The Chairperson read a letter from the Vice-Chairperson, Kathy Brady, to Mayor Edward Havens resigning from the Historic District Commission.

The consensus of the Commission was that the workshop with Paul Loether, Director of the Connecticut Historic Commission, held prior to the Public Hearing, had been helpful and informative


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Commissioner Tarr at 9:38 p.m.  Commissioner Fitzpatrick seconded the motion and passed unanimously.

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary